There are pros and cons to everything. After reading Computing in Architectural Design, i have fallen into a love hate relationship with computer programs used for our field of work.
The programs we use now have com a long way since their first appearance in the design world; and although they serve to benifit us by accurately conveying ideas, i feel that it has dumbed us down as designers quite a bit.
if we look back on the great pioneers of design we can see that the products of their ideas were built without the help of technology. every calculation made was all done using the brain, not some high tech calculator, and the plans to their designs came out quite accurate. Because we live such fast paced lives, the technology we have is necessary in order to get things done quicker and meet dead lines, but i feel that for the most part design has become less of an art and more about punching numbers in and clicking buttons to get an image to pop up on your computer screen.
i might be thinking to the extremes when it comes to technology, but if we continue using technology to the point where it is no longer just an aid, but a crutch; then who's not to say that some day in the future technology will become so advanced that it can do without us.